On the hunt for adventure

Gishwati Mukura National Park

Discover the Hidden Gem of Rwanda - Gishwati-Mukura National Park with K-Hill Safaris! Are you ready to uncover a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Rwanda's breathtaking landscapes? Look no further than K-Hill Safaris, offering an extraordinary tour experience in Gishwati-Mukura National Park. Get ready to explore a haven of incredible biodiversity, where chimpanzees, golden monkeys, and a variety of bird species thrive. At K-Hill Safaris, we pride ourselves on providing unique and immersive experiences that allow our guests to connect with nature and witness the wonders of Gishwati-Mukura National Park. This pristine park, tucked away in the western part of Rwanda, is home to a remarkable group of 20 chimpanzees, as well as golden monkeys, L'Hoest's monkeys, blue monkeys, and an impressive array of bird species. As you venture into Gishwati-Mukura National Park with K-Hill Safaris, prepare to be mesmerized by the stunning scenery that surrounds you. Dense forests, rolling hills, and cascading waterfalls create a mesmerizing backdrop for your adventure. Our knowledgeable guides, who have a deep appreciation for the park's unique ecology, will accompany you as you explore the park's hidden treasures. One of the highlights of our tour is the opportunity to encounter the chimpanzees that call Gishwati-Mukura home. These intelligent and charismatic primates offer a glimpse into our evolutionary heritage. Under our expert guides' watchful eyes, you will have the chance to observe their behavior up close, from the way they communicate to their intricate social structures. But the chimpanzees are not the only inhabitants of this park. Golden monkeys, with their vibrant coats, will capture your heart as they playfully swing through the treetops. L'Hoest's monkeys and blue monkeys can also be spotted, making for a truly diverse primate population. Gishwati-Mukura National Park is also a paradise for bird enthusiasts, with a staggering 232 different bird species calling the park their home. With K-Hill Safaris, embark on a guided bird-watching adventure, where you can catch sight of colorful species and fill your ears with their beautiful songs. Our expert guides will share their knowledge and help you identify the incredible avian residents of the park. After a day of exploration, relax in the comfort of the accommodations arranged by K-Hill Safaris, where you can reflect on the incredible experiences of the day and immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of the park. Don't miss the chance to discover the hidden gem of Gishwati-Mukura National Park with K-Hill Safaris. Contact us today to book your tour and embark on an unforgettable journey that celebrates the wonders of nature and the beauty of Rwanda.

  • Country


  • Languages Spoken

    Kinyarwanda, English, French

  • Areas

    32.02 km²