A stunning canopy walkway in Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda, offering panoramic views of the lush rainforest, experienced on a K-Hill Safaris tour.

September 19, 2023

Rwanda’s Nyungwe National Park has been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, marking it as the country’s first site to earn this prestigious recognition. The decision was made on September 19, 2023, during the UNESCO World Heritage Committee session in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

A Hub for Biodiversity

Nyungwe, covering nearly 102,000 hectares, is one of Central Africa’s most important conservation areas. It is home to an array of habitats, from rainforests to peat bogs, and serves as a critical refuge for various endangered species, including the Eastern Chimpanzee, Golden Monkey, and the Hills Horseshoe Bat. The park also hosts 12 globally threatened mammal species and seven endangered bird species, making it a key area for biodiversity preservation.

A Step Forward for Conservation

UNESCO’s recognition highlights Nyungwe’s exceptional natural value. The park boasts over 317 recorded bird species and plays a crucial role in safeguarding some of the world’s rarest flora and fauna. Nyungwe’s inclusion on the World Heritage List emphasizes its importance in global conservation efforts.

Preserving Rwanda’s Heritage

This acknowledgment underscores the Rwandan government’s dedication to preserving its natural heritage. Nyungwe National Park’s designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site reflects Rwanda’s commitment to conserving biodiversity and promoting eco-tourism.

For more information, visit the UNESCO World Heritage site.
